Reputable Substance Use Disorder Program with Proven Results
For over 20 years, RFC has helped thousands of women and women with children break the cycle of addiction and lead joyful, independent lives with long-term sobriety and productive futures. Program graduates leave with their children into independent housing, full-time employment, or a plan to further their education.
RFC operates with a high standard of integrity, earning a reputation built on trust and efficiency. Our program is championed by a cohesive group of faith-based organizations, private donors, recovery partners, dedicated mentors, and long-time volunteers working collectively to support the long-term sobriety and well-being of RFC clients.

Residential Addiction Treatment for Women with Children
When mothers suffer from addiction, their children do too. Thus, family reunification remains a primary goal in the client’s treatment and recovery process. Depending on each client’s situation, mothers can begin healing and nurturing relationships with their children while residing together in a safe, compassionate, and supportive environment where the entire family can start to thrive.

Customized Substance-Abuse and Recovery Plans
Addiction is a complex but treatable disease. There isn’t a single substance abuse treatment plan that’s appropriate for everyone. The Redwood Family Treatment Center (RFTC) focuses on developing individualized treatment plans and providing recovery resources with ongoing support to meet each client’s short and long-term goals. Everything—from legal and family issues, medical care, and an education plan to establishing a post-treatment support plan and learning essential life skills—is addressed during a client’s time at RFC.

Holistic and Therapeutic Approach to Sobriety
The substance abuse services and activities offered at RFTC represent a holistic and integrated approach to treating the “whole” person. This unique approach is accomplished by addressing one’s mind, body, and spirit with an additional focus on the client’s socioeconomic, cultural, relational, and trauma history.
Furthermore, the RFTC emphasizes a therapeutic relationship between the client and counselor centered around trust, belonging, hope, and compassion. The connection that’s formed is powerful in helping women overcome underlying causes or issues contributing to their addiction.